Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Penguin Alert!! (PA!!)

The Northern Little Penguin is an Endangered Species!!! AHHHHHHHHH! Already there are two species of penguins that are extinct!! No more!!!


Elaine, a Blue Spring manatee is available for adopting at http://!!

Daily Dose Of Penguins!!(ddop)

Hi again!! Heres another penguin: the African Penguin !!! It looks like a Macaroni Penguin!! Hint: Keep an eye out for Penguin Alerts (PAs)!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i might post about other things like butterflies or manatees hmmm maybe i'll post about manatees from


Hi! Welcome to Penguin Spot. I'm pinguinochica and as you can see, i love penguins. Check my blog for unusual penguin species! The first one is the Fairy Penguin, which is actually blue!!! Google it or wiki it!