Saturday, November 28, 2009


Hi! Sorry I haven't been able to get on the computer to post in a while, but here i am!
Anyways , the penguin today is the Macaroni Penguin, which is similar to the Rockhopper and Fjordland penguins.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Today i have chosen the Chinstrap penguin which is recognised by the strap underneath its chin.
P.S. : use the red words to search!!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Today the penguin species i have chosen is the well-known Emperor penguin.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


You can tickle the baby penguin at the bottom of the screen by clicking her.

New gadgets!!

Notice my new gadgets? Now i have fish, a calender,and, scroll to the bottom of the screen to find a perfectly themed gadget.


today is the Fjiordland Penguin, a crested penguin.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Today's is the Humboldt Penguin, which is a banded penguin!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Penguin Alert!! (PA!!)

The Northern Little Penguin is an Endangered Species!!! AHHHHHHHHH! Already there are two species of penguins that are extinct!! No more!!!


Elaine, a Blue Spring manatee is available for adopting at http://!!

Daily Dose Of Penguins!!(ddop)

Hi again!! Heres another penguin: the African Penguin !!! It looks like a Macaroni Penguin!! Hint: Keep an eye out for Penguin Alerts (PAs)!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i might post about other things like butterflies or manatees hmmm maybe i'll post about manatees from


Hi! Welcome to Penguin Spot. I'm pinguinochica and as you can see, i love penguins. Check my blog for unusual penguin species! The first one is the Fairy Penguin, which is actually blue!!! Google it or wiki it!